是Música Popular Brasileira( 巴西流行音乐)的缩写。
MPB (巴西全域音乐)简介
“所谓的MPB (巴西全域音乐;音读作[emi-be-'be]),虽然其系为Musica Popular Brasileira (即英文的Brazilian Popular Music)的缩写,但其定义并非如此“简单”,也不能直接照字面来翻译,且亦不能和一般所谓的pop乐及巴西本土的pop乐混为一谈。因为,所谓的MPB (巴西全域音乐),也就是对于被归类为MPB的巴西musicians,乃系代表着他们的音乐是包罗万象而各自独树一帜的。其创作唱奏音乐的素材曲风是没有地域背景或乐风范畴的局限而能运用自如,且主要在于巴西所有的音乐风格和其他乐风皆是他们用作诠释创作的题材而从中加以发挥创新。
莫罕达斯·卡拉姆昌德·甘地(Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi मोहनदास करमचंद गाँधी, 1869年10月2日-1948, January 30), also known as "Mahatma Gandhi", the Indian nationalist movement and Congress Party leaders. He is India's Sun Yat-sen, is also India's greatest political leaders. He lead the country towards independence, from British colonial rule. His "non-violent" philosophy, that is, he said the "satyagraha", impact on the world's nationalists and those who seek peaceful change of the international campaign.
Through "non-violent" non-cooperation of citizens, Gandhi, India from the British rule. It also inspired the other colonies to the people for their independence struggle. Ultimately the British Empire collapsed, replaced by the Commonwealth or, more accurately point is Federation