宽窄巷子快闪 为祖国送上新春祝福
【宽窄巷子快闪 为祖国送上新春祝福】“我和我的祖国,一刻也不能分割......”一位老者背着吉他,在冬日里成都的宽窄巷子浅吟低唱,引众人合唱《我和我的祖国》。原本在工作的一位环卫大哥听见歌声,手拿着扫帚忘情起舞,被网友纷纷点赞。他说:“很激动,我们的祖国强大了。真的,我高兴!”To welcome the Chinese New Year, China Media Group and Chengdu Television Station surprised tourists with a flash mob. Peter Chen, a composer from Taiwan, SE China, whose ancestral hometown is Chengdu, SW China, walked the streets of Chengdu with his guitar. Passersby couldn’t resist joining in with his inspiring melody, which was accompanied by a Sichuan Opera performance and a rap group.